The Cathedral (Santa María de León Cathedral)

The Cathedral is a masterpiece of the Gothic style and took over three centuries to complete. The cathedral is a playground and its stained glass windows are among the most impressive. Its main doorway is from the 13th century and the only one, which conserves the original polychroming from the 15th century because of the fact that it is protected by the walls of the cloister. The Virgin of Dado presides the scene, and in the tympanum there is a representation of the Pantocrator surrounded by the four evangelists or Tetramerous.
is one of the greatest cathedrals of Spain and having visited Burgos and Leon cathedrals
on successive days I find I cannot decide which is the better. Both are superb.
And then, The Cathedral has a spectacular and wonderfully colorful display of
stained glass - some great paintings and sculpture, including the wonderful
carvings and surrounds of the doors outside. At last, I am happy to take this
class because I can meet beautiful friends and professor. Mucho gracias!!
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